Our healthcare center is located in Hollywood, Florida and aims to provide you with compassionate care, catering to your individual needs.
Our main goal is to improve your health from the mind, body, and spirit perspective by restoring balance to your entire system.
We are committed to serving you and providing the highest quality of care for your cancer or other conditions which ail you.
Dr.Jason Tsai is a state-certified Acupuncture Physician and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (Taiwan) as well as a Certified Qigong Instructor and an experienced meditator. Dr. Tsai graduated from Hong Kong University in 1992 and also studied at the Taiwan Chinese Cultural University,
Dr. Mata is an engineer by training and profession. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and a Master of Science and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, both from the University of
California in Davis, CA.
Schedule your FREE consultation to find out what else you can be doing to improve your health!